Welcome to Learn Object Oriented Programming

Why OOP?

Valuable Life Skills

In our technological era, coding has become a vital and useful skill, like a superpower. As with playing the piano, hitting the keys on the computer's keyboard to build even the simplest program opens up your mind to new ways of thinking. Programming can also be useful when dealing with big tasks as it encourages you to efficiently break down the problem into smaller bits and creatively solve them.

Real World Applications

Programming has a really wide scope, ranging from space simulations to complex physics calculations. Nothing can be achieved today without deep testing in a virtual environment. Industries heavily rely on programs that test the efficiency of manufacturing processes and the quality of the end product. By doing so, programming helps to better manage resources and increase products' quality.

STEM Integration

Coding not only offers a powerful tool to solve real world problems, but it also provides a fun and entertaining way to learn more about scientific topics. Coding is a challenging experience that allows you to better approach problems. It also forces you to fully understand the specific topic related to the task as in programming the goal is to write the most efficient code in terms of time and memory usage.

Too often when people think about programming, they think of solving boring mathematical expressions and browsing long excel sheets. But that's not what programming is about. Programming is about solving problems. This site, Learn Object Oriented Programming is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality object oriented content. Contrary to most other object oriented courses online currently, this course focuses on integrating theory with application at every step of the learning process to produce students who not only have a strong understanding of the core theory behind Object Oriented Programming but can also apply it to a variety of real world situations.